FASD Now Alliance Member Empowers California SELPA Administrators with Insights on Recent Legislation, Education Code 56332
[Sacramento, July 6, 2023] – Shannon Iacobacci, a member of the FASD Now Alliance, recently delivered a compelling presentation to the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) Administrators of California. The event took place on July 6, 2023, in Sacramento, where Ms. Iacobacci discussed California's recently passed law, EC 56332, which now includes FASD as a named condition under Other Health Impairment, one of the categories under which a child can be found eligible for special education. Attendees gained valuable insights into the measures required to effectively assess, accommodate, and address barriers for students affected by FASD.
FASD Now has created the FASD Educational Training Series which will be available to all California school districts. Scheduling for the training will open soon.
Veronica Coates (SELPA Executive Team), Shannon Iacobacci (FASD Now Alliance Member), Rebecca Wolfe (Doctoral Candidate), and Elizabeth Engelken (SELPA Executive Team)
Of the estimated number of adolescents with FASD, 29% are expelled & 25% will drop out (CDC)
Currently no school district in California has an FASD informed program
Upcoming FASD Events
For services to be successful for people with FASD, they need accommodations specific to the diagnosis.
About 90% of people with FASD in California are undiagnosed.